10 chosen black-and-white photos of 2024

As the year comes to an end it’s time to look back. In the second post here I have selected 10 chosen black-and-white photos I find represent the year.
You find the first post with color photos from 2024 here: 10 color photos of 2024
All pictures are some I am glad to have done, and photographs that stand out from the rest, although it’s a tough choice. Other could have been in as well, but it’s also a good exercise to select and narrow down the list and being critical to your own work to improve.

The 10 black-and-white photos of 2024

Black-and-white fine art photos are something special. The black-and-white leaving only grey tones back to express the image, leaves us with form and simplicity. Often making it easier to read the picture standing out more graphic than color photos. But it all depends on the situation and the expression wanted.
Black-and-white photography adds a timeless and very clean expression to the photo.

In the comment field below you are very welcome to rank the pictures that are your favourite or leave any other comment.

The order of the photos presented is random.

Sydney, Australia. Sony A7rIV, Summilux 50mm f1.4 ASPH

In Sydney I found this small area with benches for people to have a break. The attention of my camera was mostly the group as a whole with people passing by, but the decisive moment was when the guy in the centre of the frame looked at me.

Odense, Denmark. Sony A7rIV, Summilux 50mm f1.4 ASPH

Having a laugh. Umut Ra Sakarya is a famous national Chef in Denmark. During an assignment he suddenly breaks into laughter and the moments was captured.

Berlin. Sony A7rIV, Summilux 50mm f1.4 ASPH

People of the streets of Berlin was in my mind when i walked around earlier in the year. I look for the people who stand out from the crowd. It can be their faces, clothes or just the overall expression. This gentleman caught my attention.

Paris. Leica M9, Summilux 50mm f1.4 ASPH

The situation of basket players in front of an old dome in Paris is a favourite of mine for the 2024 selection. Not only because of the joy and energy it express, but also the interplay and position of the players, making the photo almost dancing and vibrating. Set up against the church there is a contrast of interest. This picture done with a wider depth of field at f5,6 to include the people around.

Sydney. Sony A7rIV, Summilux 50mm f1.4 ASPH

Because it happened a bit quickly as I was looking in another direction when the kids approached, I didn’t had time to adjust the shutter speed at 1/50 which causes the motion blur. The luck that you need as a photographer was the boy, at the moment, having less movement than the others, and therefore he stands out. Creating a special mood of the picture, but mostly the happiness is what appeals to me.

Paris. Leica M9, Summilux 50mm f1.4 ASPH

Simplicity is one a key element is some photographs. A Dachshund looking up at his owner in Paris, waiting for being allowed to pass the road. A simple story but about relationship.

Svendborg, Denmark. Leica M9, Summilux 50mm f1.4 ASPH

Captured in a thoughtful moment. The expression must speak for itself.

Berlin. Sony RIV, Summilux 50mm f1.4 ASPH

You may recognize a color photo from the recent post, from the same location in Berlin. You are right. This location offered several photo opportunities, and the running girls here fills the image with some energy I couldn’t resist bringing on.

Sydney. Sony RIV, Summilux 50mm f1.4 ASPH

The firemen of Sydney and their attitude is the picture. As simple as that. The faces and their movement, walking through with documents in their hands, and we don’t know where and why. Good photographs doesn’t answer questions but present a question or mood to think about.

Paris. Leica M9, Summilux 50mm f1.4 ASPH

The environment of a Parisian Café set the mood and the life of these places are just wonderful. This picture of the woman reading some documents and having a coffee is the essence of Paris.

With tejse black-and-white images from 2024


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