10 chosen color photos of 2024

As the year comes to an end it’s time to look back. In two post here I have selected 10 chosen color photos from 2024, and 10 black-and-white photos I find represent the year. All 20 pictures are some I am glad to have done, and photographs that stand out from the rest, although it’s a tough choice. Other could have been in as well, but it’s also a good exercise to select and narrow down the list and being critical to your own work to improve.

The 10 color photos of 2024

You may have noticed that I am often shooting black and white, but I do find the colour photographs as valuable as black and white, when the colors are right. For fine art street photography or photojournalism I go for what’s best in the situation whenever possible. doing assignments often are connected with a demand of either color or black-and-white photographs.

In the comment field below you are very welcome to rank the pictures that are your favourite or leave any other comment.

The order of the photos presented is random.

Berlin. Sony A7rIV, Summilux 50mm f1.4 ASPH

The U-bahn in Berlin. Busy travellers passing by. The red haired woman and the reddish color of the ceiling make the color photo being the choice. The pattern of the jacket is repeated in the window structure, and these repeating pieces make the picture stand out. The motive and expression of the people speak for themselves.

Odense, Denmark. Sony A7rIV, Summilux 50mm f1.4 ASPH

The overall color cast and mood in this scene is pleasing as are the lines. The picture was composed and then I waited for a person to walk in to make it more interesting.

Odense, Denmark. Sony A7rIV, Summilux 50mm f1.4 ASPH

A photo without people being the centre point or interest of the framing. Still the person is important because she repeat the blue color so these interact and is set up against the warm tones. The complexity of the photos is what I find interesting in this night shot after closing time.

Berlin. Sony A7rIV, Summilux 50mm f1.4 ASPH

At a Museum Cafe in Berlin my wife and I sat down to have a break, a coffee and a cake. So I noticed already on the way in this woman with here red lips, red nails and red clothing. Red always is attractive and have a history of danger in movie storytelling.
As she sad there up against the red warm tones of the wallpaper decorating the room, I couldn’t avoid creating this image. Maybe my favourite color photo of 2024.

Odense, Denmark. Sony A7rIV, Summilux 50mm f1.4 ASPH

The bicycle club on their way. I found these gentlemen at a stroll around the city on a photo group walk. The expression on their faces, their attitude and clothing was appealing. I stand there talking a bit with them, asked for permission to take a photo, and that’s it.

Paris. Leica M9, Summilux 50mm f1.4 ASPH

One of the photos that work well in black-and-white too, but the blue colors of the chairs, lamps and clothing of this gentleman in Paris near the river Seine, worked better. Creating a mood in a color photo often lies in the repetition of a color. The gentleman sitting their reading a newspaper and having his lunch is the main theme, just supported by the color scheme.

Svendborg, Denmark. Leica M9, Summilux 50mm f1.4 ASPH

The tones made by the Leica M9, has a quality and expression of their own. Yellow, green and blue make an interesting color palette in this picture. The person sitting and enjoying the evening sun is the story of the picture. A situation of peace and relaxation we all can relate to.

Paris. Leica M9, Summilux 50mm f1.4 ASPH

Finding a motive is often about finding forms or patterns of interest, and then wait for someone entering the chosen frame. When the colors are then the same, the photo is created.

Paris. Leica M9, Summilux 50mm f1.4 ASPH

Yellow, yellow, yellow. Paris is the town of fashion and there are many motives to seek for a color photographer.

Paris. Leica M9, Summilux 50mm f1.4 ASPH

The red color is the harmony and interest of the color palette. The golden tones on the tables are repeated in the elegantly dressed woman’s clothings. So beside being a picture of human behavior and an everyday situation, the color palette represented makes the image stand out.

Next comes the 10 selected black-and-white photographs of 2024. Released December 30th.

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