Is the modern camera too perfect?
Lately, I have been thinking a lot about how much the camera matters to capture a good photo. I have blattered through some of the…
Catch the fish. Catch the image.
I recently read a quote from iconic film instructor David Lynch who talked about how creative work is like catching a fish. Ideas come…
Film look for digital photographs
Dehancer sponsors the YouTube video and content. Creating a film look for digital photographs is something many photographers strive for. Adding that feeling of grain…
Sweden is Monochrome
Recently I went home from the woods of Sweden. Shooting a TV series for TV2Fyn to be broadcast during the Christmas days. Monochrome photos are…
The decisive moment approach to Photography
“The decisive moment” is something that has puzzled many photographers capturing scenes on the street. The truth is that the decisive moment most often is…
M9 meeting Mick Rock
The legendary rock photographer Mick Rock portraits. Shot with my old Leica M9 and Summilux 50mm 1.4 ASPH. Mick Rock attended the Tinderbox festival in…
I foråret havde jeg det store privilegie, at få en specialopgave sammen med producent Michael Dyrby for Monday og DR1. Opgaven var at fotografere de…
Vi fotograferer stadig / Still photographing
Ja, det er en tv station, ja vi laver levende billeder, og ja – stillbilledet er stadig i live. Ca. hver anden måned udskiftes fotografierne…
B&Q summer mood in the neighborhood
Radio Merkur
Kan du huske Radio Merkur? Nu kommer der en TV2 drama-serie om radiostationen der brød monoplet i slutningen af 50´erne. TV2/Fyn var på setbesøg i…