Finding a scene for street photography – and stay
There are numerous ways to approach street photography. One is to find a scene of interest – and stay. In Berlin last week I wandered…
Night Street Photography
Street photography in the nighttime is the subject of the recent YouTube video. Here I show some examples of photos shot in low light in…
Video about Leica M and Sony Alpha
This is the first video about photography and it is concentrated on the cameras in my camera bag. Why I choose these and the difference…
Street Odense
STREET PHOTOGRAPHY <h1>ODENSE, DENMARK</h1> <a href="#dansk" role="button"> Dansk </a> <header><h3 dir="ltr" data-placeholder="Oversættelse">MOODS AND PEOPLE</h3><p dir="ltr" data-placeholder="Oversættelse">Friday we had a walkabout in Odense looking for people,…
M9 meeting Mick Rock
The legendary rock photographer Mick Rock portraits. Shot with my old Leica M9 and Summilux 50mm 1.4 ASPH. Mick Rock attended the Tinderbox festival in…
Be-Bop-A-lula på Tåsinge Plejehjem. Rock fra de gamle dage til de “gamle” som blev unge lidt igen. / Be-Bop-A-Lula from the old days for the…
I foråret havde jeg det store privilegie, at få en specialopgave sammen med producent Michael Dyrby for Monday og DR1. Opgaven var at fotografere de…
The minister
Kulturminister Mette Bock (LA) på besøg på TV2/Fyn og i Johannes Larsen Museets have i Kerteminde. / Danish Minister of Culture Mette Bock visiting TV2/Fyn…
Dan-Dream premiere i aftes på Tobaksgaarden i Assens, med Frank Hvam og Casper Christensen / Movie Premiere last night with comedians and actors Frank Hvam…
Portrætter af Tårn. I går var vi en tur forbi Tårn´s øverum, hvor Erik Apollo, Daniel Scheffmann og Hans Henrik Thomsen stillede op til et…