North art fair
North art fair in Aalborg, Denmark.
Portrait of singer Signe Svendsen
Signe Svendsen. Musik. Nyt album “Rift”. / Signe Svendsen with new album, “Rift”.
Suste Bonnén art photos
/ Opening of the Danish Photographer and sculptor Suste Bonnén´s art photos at Faaborg Museum, Denmark. Suste Bonnens sort hvid kunstfotos af kvinder på Faaborg…
On the road again
I dag var vi på tur. Besøgsven Per kører hver uge en tur med Svend Ove, som ellers vil sidde alene og stirre ind i…
Fish or Facebook?
Fisherman Egon Nielsen has to choose between fish or Facebook. He can´t find time to both. Portrait for the series at TV2/Fyn about the new digital…
Writer Josefine Ottesen
Josefine Ottesen, succesrig prisbelønnet forfatter er på vej med en julebog. Vi besøgte hende i Svendborg i dag, og klipper lige nu et indslag som…
H.C. Andersen festivals
I går gik turen rundt i Odense til bl.a. Nørregade, Ungdomshuset og Studenterhuset til åbning af Spoken Words, i forbindelse med H.C. Andersen festivals i Odense.…
Back from the holidays / Tilbage fra ferien
Back from the holidays we are ready to work again at the culture edition at TV2/Fyn. Here the first job was covering the Chamber Festivals…
The Edge of Humanity Magazine features some of my B&W photos from Japan today.
Kindergarten / Vuggestue
Before the summer holidays I had a small assignment doing some photos for friends of mine, for their local kindergarten, with the youngest kids.