Film look for digital photographs

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Creating a film look for digital photographs is something many photographers strive for. Adding that feeling of grain and texture only film can produce.

Digital images easily become flat and a little lifeless with few exceptions. The old sensor type on the Leica M9 is an exception, but else most modern cameras miss that expression. Recently I was approached by the Dehancer Film Emulsion company who developed a work tool adding the possibility to add exactly that to the images captured by modern cameras.

Thank you for the video and for the promo code. I’ve used it to purchase the life time option. I used the app and it’s really good. My only issue is that I can’t stop myself from using it for all my photos.
Watch the YouTube review and tutorial here: Dehancer Film Emulsion YouTube review
Dehancer film emulsion tool for Lightroom.

Does it make sense?

Modern digital images can seem a bit lifeless and too perfect. To clean and even for pictures at some higher ISO settings miss that sense of film.
Adding some grain isn’t enough. With the Dehancer tool I found it possible to add more sensitivity to my photos. Both color and monochrome.
The Dehancer tool which is working within Lightroom Classic and Photoshop Is a complicated tool that works as if the light penetrates the layers on a film strip, and make a replica of that look.
All can be overdone of course, so you have to work your way through the presets, make your own and save them for the future photos you want to work at. So you keep that favorite look of yours. This is covered in the video as well.
For me it makes much sense because I like that more crispy and alive photos. So I let all my selected photos run through the Dehancer to add more depth and a film feeling to my images.

Workshops masterclass includes Dehancer

In my future Masterclass workshops I add this tool to the post editing education for Lightroom. Its a tool that will work with images from any camera you may use. This is limited to the three day workshops where we have time to make post edits and find your personal style as a photographer.
There are only a few workshop available so be sure to sign up soon. Info – Morten Albek Photography

Use the promo code ALBEK and save 10%

In corporation with the Dehancer Film profiles that come with print options. Profiles like Kodak 2383, Koda Chrome and Fujifilm 3513 print are among a lot of options to bring digital files to life.

Download and sign up at DEHANCER.COM

Be sure to use the 10% discount code ALBEK to save on your subscription.

It’s valid for all Dehancer products except the iOS app subscription.

Dehancer Film Emulsion for digital Photography

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