Happy New Year and an article about Rangefinder focus

Happy New Year – A first time for everything

A new year a new beginning. The King of Denmark mentioned exactly the beginning and ending as a theme of his first new year speech as King of Denmark. There always is a clear memory of these first things in life, and one of mine was when I the first time stood in a live Television studio and they broadcasted my pictures to more than a million viewers. A bit nervous that day, but after that it becomes something you just do and enjoy.

Another first time for everything was my first workshop in Paris in September. If you haven’t been on a workshop, having this great experience, then it might be a good first thing to do for the new year. Better sign up for it now before the lists are full. This year with a lower introduction prize.

You find all the workshops for this year right here: WORKSHOPS

I have done several other workshops before, but is a new thing to do the street photo workshops on location travelling to great cities, and it was a great one that one in Paris. Happy group of people, and a lot learned through the two days of the workshop. Five locations and workshops are planned for 2025.

Rangefinder focus and frame view

The first post of the year is leading to an article which may be a little nerdy but also explaining the pros and cons using a rangefinder camera, and using manual focus.

In this article I will take you through the benefits and practical ways of working with a rangefinder camera, to make it easy to handle.

At the end of the article, you will find a VIDEO about Zone focusing. Read the article first and expand with the video afterwards.

The years of autofocus cameras surely have caused many photographers to miss the skills of manual focus. The manual focusing techniques have been lost for some, and they may have a harder time doing manual focus than it is.

The EVF (Electronic View Finder) cameras also make some uneasy about looking through clear glass instead of a monitor in front of their eyes. Or they look on a flip screen like an iPhone.

The blessing of manual focus is just a part of this long-read, that I hope you will enjoy if you have a rangefinder camera.

Read it here:
Rangefinder focus and frame view

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