Video about Leica M and Sony Alpha
This is the first video about photography and it is concentrated on the cameras in my camera bag. Why I choose these and the difference…
Fox not on the run
Last portraits of 2015
I wish you a happy new year with the last two portraits made in 2015. TV2/Fyn paper presenting the television station news for newspaper readers.…
Juleønsket TV2 / Christmas tv series
Juleønsket, den nye julekalnder på TV2/Fyn havde forpremiere i Nyborg Kino i dag. / The new Christmas calendar tv-series had its first show today in…
Fish or Facebook?
Fisherman Egon Nielsen has to choose between fish or Facebook. He can´t find time to both. Portrait for the series at TV2/Fyn about the new digital…
Writer Josefine Ottesen
Josefine Ottesen, succesrig prisbelønnet forfatter er på vej med en julebog. Vi besøgte hende i Svendborg i dag, og klipper lige nu et indslag som…
Café Bankeråt
Café Bankeråt i København har sin helt egen stemning / Café Bankeråt in Copenhagen has it's own unique style.
Nat i København / Night time Copenhagen
Fiskerne / Fishermen
På vores rejse rundt i det fynske, møder vi mange dejlige mennesker. Bl.a. disse to gæve fiskere i Bagenkop. Senere på året kan du se…
Journalist Georg Metz