Ny Vestergade, Odense, Denmark.
Livet i farver / Colours of life
Set i Odense på Sortebrødre torv / Seen in Odense.
Thoughts / tanker
Odense, Denmark.
Chef break / Kokkens pause
What a chef does when customers eat / Hvad kokken laver når gæsterne spiser. Rome. #leica #m9 #photography #rome #italy #picoftheday
A bench in Rome / En bænk i Rom
Leica M9, Summilux 50mm f1.4 ASPH
Shopping, Rome. Leica M9, Summilux 50mm f1.4 ASPH
Kindergarten / Vuggestue
Before the summer holidays I had a small assignment doing some photos for friends of mine, for their local kindergarten, with the youngest kids.
Gammelt er godt – set i Odense / Old is gold – seen in Odense, Denmark.
Midd summer in Denmark
We celebrated the Middsummer with bonfires as we always do at Nordenhuse in Denmark, at the day with the longest hours of sunlight.