Theatre in the dark / Teater i mørke
Recently there has been a couple of theatre reportage on my work pallet. Tuesday evening was a bit different and challenging, relating to the very low light conditions. The light was dimmed and colourful. / Der har været et par teateropgaver på det sidste. Men tirsdagens var den mest udfordrende. Der var meget lidt (som i meget lidt), og meget farvet lys, på Teater Momentums Ødipus forestilling i Odense.
The mood of the pictures is easily ruined if the exposure is too high, as well as if additional lights are set. That will spoil the expression and experience of the setting. / Stemningen i billederne kan hurtigt blive ødelagt hvis der skrues for meget op for blænden, der skrues for meget på farverne, eller der hjælpes med ekstra lys.
I therefore tried to go with the dark mood is some of the photos. The pictures shown is almost straight out of the camera with only very minor adjustments. Shot with Leica M9, Summilux 50mm 1.4 ASPH. / Så jeg gik så vidt muligt efter det mørke i billederne. Billederne her er stort set Straight out of the camera, kun med minimale justeringer. Fotograferet med Leica M9, Summilux 50mm 1.4 ASPH.