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What are you looking at?
A book about how you find inspiration for your photography.
25 Euro / 27 USD
108 pages. 114 pictures.
“I am enjoying your book “What are you looking at” very much and have gained valuable insights in finding inspiration, but also about keeping at it and being thoughtful when taking photographs.” – Mark
You get this ebook for free when joining a workshop.
You get this ebook for free when joining a workshop.
If you struggle to find something interesting to photograph, try putting the camera away. Instead, start thinking about what you look at when you are not taking pictures.
A book about how you find inspiration for your photography.
25 Euro / 27 USD
108 pages. 114 pictures.
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You get this ebook for free when joining a workshop.
If you struggle to find something interesting to photograph, try putting the camera away. Instead, start thinking about what you look at when you are not taking pictures.
I have written this book because I have witnessed many people struggling to find inspiration, as I have in between. But there is a way to find the passion and the inspiration. This is what this book is about.