What are you looking at?
I find my inspiration in people and structures.
I am the kind of guy who can sit in an outdoor cafe and look at people for hours.
Therefore I also find my passion in capturing people and their expression.
It is often incorporated into a scenery of interest. That’s my drive. And it’s essential to find that fascination with a subject or a style to find the joy of photography.
Forcing yourself to focus on a specific subject isn’t necessary, but narrowing down what you love to do can be helpful.
What are you looking at?
A book about how you find inspiration for your photography.
108 pages. 114 pictures. €25 / $ 27.
You get this ebook for free when joining a workshop.
If you struggle to find something interesting to photograph, try putting the camera away. Instead, start thinking about what you look at when you are not taking pictures. I have written this book because I have witnessed many people struggling to find inspiration, as I have in between. But there is a way to find the passion and the inspiration. This is what this book is about.
Get it here and download it immediately: https://www.mortenalbek.com/vare/what-are-you-looking-at/